Bee Access
mural with community component
mural with community component
Created as a community experience for Bee Access Products’ conference room, this mural was painted by over 35 employees and close guests. The artwork brought many together, some of whom had never met, into a safe space where workers were able to casually meet and chat with the company's executives.
• 27.5' x 8.5'
• 500+ triangles
• over 35+ people participated in the community painting portion
• 500+ triangles
• over 35+ people participated in the community painting portion

Late 2018 I was invited to participate in the painting of a mural created by Jhonattan for Bee Access’s conference room. About a week prior I was diagnosed with cancer and it was weighing heavy on my mind to the point that I couldn’t focus on anything. I’d only planned to paint one section so once I was done I turned in my brush and started to leave. As I was about to exit the building I went back and asked to paint again. Why? Not sure. I just know that I was at peace for the few minutes that I was actually able to focus while I painted. When I left the building that day I was in a different place mentally and will make it a point to visit the conference room every time I make it to Bee Access.
—Joe, Bee Access Product's employee